
UMS Deadlines

Upload every Sunday, and other days if necessary

Study, Study, Study.... (never ending, sorry)
03-06-99 Get Korn Guitar Tabs
Get Korn Bass Tabs
Get Korn Drum Tabs
03-13-99 Korn discography
update all pages
restructure band listing (no more categories)
03-20-99 Add games page with Music Trivia
Add guess-a-number to games page
Work on Site promotion
03-27-99 Upload Korn tabs
Finish links for Korn guitar
Finish links for Korn drum

There are many things on this list that I do that you probably won't notice.  They have caused me to fall a bit behind but I have some extra help now, so thing should be picking up.  Look for more bands to start appearing and enhanced features.

If you would like to request that I do a certain band sooner just ask and it will probably be done.